Social Networks, Employees and Anti-Discrimination Laws.

October 6, 2009

There is no question that the Internet has changed the way companies hire people.  Currently 45 percent of employers use social networking sites and conduct online searches to screen applicants.  If you are a job applicant, that means that your potential employer is reading you Twitter feed and analyzing your blog posts.  While it is not […]

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216% Increase in Libel Lawsuits Against Bloggers

October 2, 2009

The Media Resource Center reports that there have been 95 new cases of libel filed against bloggers in the last 3 years.  That is an increase of 216% over the past period. Even though those numbers are not startling, it is evidence of a trend. Why the increase in libel lawsuits against bloggers? Traditionally Joe Blogger […]

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Chris Anderson, Free Content and Legal Services.

October 1, 2009

Once upon a time your lawyer was a person. Potential clients would walk into an attorney’s ornate office to hire him based on a referral from either his accountant,  mother or hairdresser.  Then your attorney became software.  Think Nolo books and Blumberg forms.   With the advent of LegalZoom, your attorney became software on the web and the costs to the consumer were reduced dramatically.  […]

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Who Should Produce the First Draft of a Contract?

September 29, 2009

People are always looking to save a buck.  One way that business owners try to save money is by waiting for the other lawyer to draft the contract on the premise that it will save legal fees.  This view is simply not sophisticated and could get you in trouble.  Here’s why: THE LAWYER WHO MAKES THE FIRST DRAFT […]

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An Attorney has No Constitutional Right to Wear a Jeans and a Hat in Court

September 25, 2009

The issue of what lawyers should wear to court appears to be a hot topic. Yesterday I wrote a post about Hon. Jane Solomon’s outburst to a female attorney at a court conference. Today, The New York Law Journal reports that Civil Judge Anne Katz correctly ordered a lawyer to remove his hat in court. Todd C. Bank, a Queens […]

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Should Women Attorneys Wear Suits to Court?

September 24, 2009

It was a sultry Monday afternoon in New York City.  The scene: Honorable Jane S. Solomon New York Supreme courtroom in the “Law and Order Building” 60 Centre Street.   An attractive female attorney in her early 30’s, dressed in white pants, a black top and a carrying a large, expensive looking beach bag approached […]

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When Should You Settle A Case?

September 23, 2009

Whether you are a plaintiff or defendant in a lawsuit, nearly all cases are settled before trial. The question then becomes, when should you settle a case? There is no “one size fits all” answer as to when you should start discussing settlement with the other side.   Each case is different and involves using different […]

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Sneaky Chef Cookbook Author loses lawsuit against Ms. Seinfeld.

September 22, 2009

The lawsuit brought by Missy Chase Lapine against the wife of Jerry Seinfeld has been resolved in favor of Jessica Seinfeld.   The lawsuit contained allegations of  Copyright Infringement, Lanham Act Trademark Infringement and Injury to Business Reputations. Of note, the court ruled that the cookbooks were not substantially similar. The court noted that Lapine’s book was rather dry […]

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5 Breach of Contract Defenses

September 18, 2009

Imagine sitting in your office. I know, this is probably not difficult to imagine. You are busy working on a proposal that would transform your business.  You are listening to Vivaldi’s Concerto in A Minor and you are in the zone. Your secretary then walks into your office and proclaims:  “We have been served with […]

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Best Law, Business and Legal Marketing reads for the week

June 5, 2009

Article of the Week: 10% of Twitter users account for 90% of tweets: The latest Law Reads: @Turkewitz Did Sotomayor Violate NY Ethics Rules in Private Solo Practice with “& Associates” Name? @VBalasubramani blogged: “Tony La Russa’s Legal Claims Against Twitter Look Tenuous” Social networks increasingly leading to questionable firings Facebook […]

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