On the always informative Nextny Google group, Mike Lewis posted this interesting NYC tech Mentorship program. Here are the details:
- NextNY presents the NYC Tech Mentorship Program, in collaboration with
General Assembly. It is connecting a select group of smart developers
with top startup leaders serving as mentors. The goal of the program
is to help high-potential techies reach into the startup world through
advice, mentorship, and the wisdom of tech leaders who have been in
their shoes. It will be an opportunity for developers to ask questions
relevant to their goals and situations, and get personal feedback from
industry vets.
How it works:
Each mentor gets paired with one or two developers
Each mentor and their mentees meet once a month from May-August.
Meeting is over lunch or coffee, and we’ll leave it to each group to
pick time/place.
You are a bona-fide techie. You have a degree in CS or have worked as
a developer professionally.
You’re looking to get involved (or more involved) in the tech startup
The program is free, but we ask that you pay for your mentor’s coffee
or lunch as a thank-you.
The mentors:
Andrew Kortina, Venmo (twitter.com/kortina)
Carter Cleveland, Art.sy (twitter.com/carterac)
Chris Maguire, Postling (twitter.com/revolvingdork)
Dana Spiegel, AxialMarket (twitter.com/danaspiegel)
Dmitri Tcherevik, MightyMeeting (twitter.com/cherevik)
Eliot Horowitz, 10gen (twitter.com/eliothorowitz)
Kevin Owocki, Ignighter (twitter.com/owocki)
Liz Crawford, Birchbox (twitter.com/liscrawford)
Mike Lewis, SpotOn (twitter.com/mlewislogic)
Naveen Selvadurai, foursquare (twitter.com/naveen)
Nick Ganju, ZocDoc (twitter.com/nganju)
Pete Miron, Knewton (twitter.com/petemiron)
Simon Murtha-Smith, Singly (twitter.com/smurthasmith)
Vanessa Hurst, Paperless Post (twitter.com/dbness)
Deadline is midnight May 11, EST.
Applications here: http://bit.ly/kM9hoX
- The Law Office of Frederic R. Abramson is not affiliated with the above event.