Keith Ferrazzi and his Big Wheels Story

by Fred Abramson on May 14, 2011

Keith Ferrazzi is a fantastic author. His business book classic, Never Eat Alone, has proved quite influential not only my professional, but also my personal life.  The basic premise is simple enough. You eat 3 meals a day. Simply develop the habit picking up the phone and let people know that you would like to catch up with them over a meal. Over a period of time you develop stronger relationships with people.

The biggest problem with following through with this piece of advice is with confronting self-esteem issues. You are probably afraid of rejection.  A good way of overcoming your fear of rejection is contacting me for lunch. If you work in New York City, I would love to meet you. My phone number is 212-233-0666.

Here is a great story by Keith Ferrazzi of a life-changing incident  from his childhood. It was the moment when he realized that both giving and receiving are critical to our happiness, and it’s a story that’s been central in his leadership. Enjoy!


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